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Your Feedback is Important to Us - Tell Us How We're Doing! 

The Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction would like you to complete a survey about the services you or your child receive from us.  They want to be sure that the mental health and addiction centers provide high quality services.  


This survey will help the State know what you think of services.  We would like you to fill out a survey.  If you don’t want to, that is okay.  No one will ask you why you don’t want to fill it out.


Nothing on the survey will identify you unless you want to put your name on it.   You can add comments about the services you receive at the end of the survey.  You can put your name on it if you want your provider to talk to you about your comments.


Your answers will help to make the quality of mental health and addiction services better in Indiana.


Please fill out the survey by either scanning the QR codes in the images below, clicking on the survey links found below or by filling out a paper copy of the survey that can be found at our outpatient offices. If you fill out a paper copy of the survey, it will be put into a confidential box or envelope. We will mail the completed surveys to the State.

Thank you very much for your time and honest answers.

Survey for ADULTS Receiving Services from Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare

Survey link -

Survey for PARENTS/GUARDIANS of a Child Receiving Services from Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare

Survey link -

Adult Survey
Parent/Guardian Survey
We want your feedback, satisfaction rating design with colorful emoticons (3).png
We want your feedback, satisfaction rating design with colorful emoticons (2).png
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