Here are some tools you can use to assist you with your journey to recovery
Create Goals:
Choosing specific goals you’d like to reach in your mental health journey is important. Be sure they are obtainable and realistic. Make small steps toward that goal and be sure to let friends and family know your goals so they can cheer you on! Remember to stay focused on the goal and what you need to do to achieve it and not the difficulties that come with it.
Care for Yourself:
Self-care is a key part of the success to recovery. Practicing good hygiene, eating well, staying active and getting adequate sleep is a great start! Your body and mind will thank you. By taking care of all your basic health will help you reach your goals for your mental health.
Strengthen Your Connections:
Pushing through your comfort zones to make and maintain connections is a great tool to improve your rate of recovery.
Connecting with yourself is the best way to start. Evaluating your mood and recent stressors is something everyone should do regularly. You can journal and meditate to increase your sense of self and discover how you really feel.
Connecting with friends and family is important too. Mental illness is hard on not only the individual but their support system as well. Reconnecting or strengthening connections will help with your road to recovery and make you more likely to reach your goals.
Connecting with your local community is a great way for you to feel that you are not alone in this journey. There are plenty of peer support groups with people who have been in your shoes. Joining clubs and support groups are great tools as well!