AcuDetox is a specialized acupuncture protocol that is a simple gentle placement of five small, sterilized disposable pins in specific sites on each ear. Clients sit quietly in a group setting for up to 30-45 minutes during pin placement.
AcuDetox has been proven to significantly decrease cravings for alcohol and drugs, and help with withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, insomnia and agitation. AcuDetox is offered to all Detox and Residential clients and in some of our outpatient programing.
Residential Programs
Our Residential program provides structured programming utilizing the best evidence-based practices while staying in a safe, supportive environment. Those in the residential program stay between 3-4 weeks and attend all programming daily from 7:00 am until 9:30pm. Residents have daily contact with their therapist, have access to case management services to help resolve life issues (medical/legal/financial/employment) and attend 12 step meetings daily either at our facility or in the community.
Learn more about our residential programs by clicking here.
Recovery Support for Family
Al-Anon meetings are strongly encouraged for family members. They are free and open to whoever would like to attend. Meetings are held at Stepping Stone on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. (noon). Please enter through our outpatient entrance as meetings are held in the community room.
Other Al-Anon meetings are held throughout the area and schedules are available at the technician station or on their website: al-anon.org
Outpatient Programs/Matrix
Matrix is a structured intensive outpatient group that focuses on the development of early recovery skills, relapse prevention skills, family programming, and social support. This program starts as a three times a week group and is offered during both morning and evening hours. Other Outpatient Services include Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention, Individual and Family therapy, and Physician Visits with our Addiction Specialist who is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Outpatient office hours are: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00am – 7:30pm; Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00am – 5:00pm.
For more information on our Matrix Groups please click these links: Morning Matrix Group and Evening Matrix Group
Family Programs
Residential family programming begins the first weekend and consists of several weekend family education groups. As a family member or significant other, weekly attendance of the Family Education program is encouraged.
In order to visit with our clients here at our residential program, Family Education classes are mandatory and typically last about one (1) hour. For more information please read our Residential Family Program Guide.