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- Additional Resources | SBH
资源 在 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare,我们提供多种服务,但我们始终鼓励寻求这些伟大组织的额外支持。 当地资源 州和国家资源
- 2024 Community Needs Assessment | SBH
危机服务 Key Findings and Strategic Map "As a leader in the mental health and substance use treatment industry, we have responsibility to be transparent within our agency, community, and state leadership. We must evaluate not only our community needs and challenges, but also our own programs and processes to ensure we are providing the essential mental health and substance use services our community requires in a timely and evidence-based manner," Katy Adams, President/CEO of Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare. We invite you to explore this comprehensive report that identifies key data and evaluates the mental health needs of our communities. Knowing our current state of mental health within our community, identifying gaps, and developing programs and policies will only help us in affectively addressing our needs. Through funding from a SAMHSA CCBHC IA Grant and through the collaboration of Diehl Consulting, we're proud to share with you our findings and our call to action through our three-year strategic map. Community Needs Assessment Full Report Report Summary Strategic Map
帐单查询 联系谁 经济支援 我们接受的保险计划 WHO TO CONTACT 联系谁 Name Phone Email Account Number Inquiry Submit 我们的患者财务服务部负责西南航空的医疗账单和收款。我们在这里帮助您解决有关您的对账单、保险或其他经济援助需求的任何问题。请直接联系我们 812.436.4293 寻求帮助。 Insurance Billing Many insurance policies will pay for all or portion of our fees. It is our goal to make sure that every patient understands their treatment coverage and out of pocket expenses. We are here to help you feel more comfortable with this process. Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare contracts with most commercial insurance providers and accepts Medicare, traditional Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Hoosier Healthwise, and Hoosier Care Connect. The “regular eligibility determination” process for Medicaid coverage will begin April 1, 2023. This may mean your coverage could change or end. Click the button below to learn more. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 如何申请 在您第一次访问时,您将被要求向西南航空提供您的收入证明。您可以通过不同方式向我们提供此信息,包括: 您的 W-2 的当前薪水存根或腼腆 WorkOne 版本(如果您目前失业) 您的 SSI 福利声明副本 费用折扣 西南航空根据家庭收入向没有健康保险或其他第三方保险的人以及有保险但不包括行为保健或特定行为保健服务的人提供滑动费用折扣。 必须提供收入证明才能获得基于 133% 联邦贫困指南的折扣,每项服务的最低费用为 20 美元。 西南航空通过额外费用减免申请提供额外费用折扣。您可以向您的治疗师、支持人员或患者财务服务代表索取申请表。 提交申请后,将对其进行审核,患者财务服务代表将与您联系,讨论您是否有资格获得额外的费用减免。 如果您对此过程有任何疑问,请联系我们的患者财务服务部门,电话: 812.436.4293。 财务咨询 我们的目标是确保每位患者都了解他们的治疗范围和自付费用。我们在这里帮助您对这个过程感到更舒服。 如果您对 statement 余额有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系我们的患者财务服务部 at 812.436.4293 . INSURANCE 我们接受的保险计划
- Medical Records | SBH
危机服务 危机线 (812) 422-1100 与国家危机热线类似,我们的危机服务热线每周 7 天、一年 365 天 24 小时开放。经我们训练有素的工作人员回答,这条线路适用于那些正在经历精神危机的人。我们通过电话或 Zoom 提供即时帮助,转介当地服务,并继续跟进以确保不需要额外的帮助。如果我们认为需要立即亲自协助,我们将联系紧急服务部门部署到您的位置以提供进一步的帮助。如果这是医疗紧急情况,请拨打 911。 稳定单元 我们的设施和我们的工作人员专门为那些处于心理健康危机中的人提供帮助。位于埃文斯维尔市中心东南第四街 414 号的危机稳定部门在 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare 的正常办公时间以外开放,并配备了经过培训的专业人员。当客户进来时,我们会与他们合作,为他们提供所需的即时帮助,并提供持续的跟进,以确保他们成功康复。 移动响应 我们的流动危机小组配备了受过处理精神危机培训的人员。当 911 接到与心理健康危机有关的电话时,他们会与警察局共同响应。我们的团队可以提供即时的现场协助、转介和跟进。如果我们的团队和警方同意该人需要更立即的治疗,我们可以将他们运送到最适合他们需要的设施,即使它不在设施之外。
- County Services | SBH
县服务 吉布森县 波西县 瓦里克县 Gibson Gibson County Gibson County Regional Services offers outpatient and community based behavioral services for adults, children, and families. We treat a variety of issues including Addictions, Mental Health, Childhood Disorders, and Psychiatric Conditions. We offer a variety of treatment interventions to meet the personal needs of each client. Comprehensive Assessments Individual Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Skills Training Psychiatric Interviews Medication Management Case Management Insurance Navigation Services Addiction Services Abstinence based treatment programming Matrix Model treatment interventions Outpatient programming only Referrals to Stepping Stone for Residential Services Tobacco Recovery services Child & Family Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with families Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, & Nurtured Hearts Parenting education that coincides with therapy interventions Referrals available for more intensive services such as High-Fidelity WRAP, Parent Child Interactive Therapy, and Residential services. Adult Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, & EMDR Therapy Community Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients and families Available for children, adults, and families Recovery based treatment models Use of Evidence Based interventions including Nurtured Hearts, Illness Management & Recovery, & Wellness Recovery Action Plans. Posey Posey County Posey County Regional Services offers outpatient and community based behavioral services for adults, children, and families. We treat a variety of issues including Addictions, Mental Health, Childhood Disorders, and Psychiatric Conditions. We offer a variety of treatment interventions to meet the personal needs of each client. Comprehensive Assessments Individual Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Skills Training Psychiatric Interviews Medication Management Case Management Integrated Healthcare Insurance Navigation Services Addiction Services Abstinence based treatment programming Matrix Model treatment interventions Outpatient programming only Referrals to Stepping Stone for Residential Services Tobacco Recovery services Adult Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & EMDR Therapy Integrated healthcare assessments during the initial comprehensive assessment Ongoing support for healthcare concerns Child & Family Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with families Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, & Nurtured Hearts Parenting education that coincides with therapy interventions Referrals available for more intensive services such as High-Fidelity WRAP, Parent Child Interactive Therapy, and Residential services Community Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients and families Available for children, adults, and families Recovery based treatment models Use of Evidence Based interventions including Nurtured Hearts, Illness Management & Recovery, & Wellness Recovery Action Plans. Warrick Warrick County Warrick County Regional Services offers outpatient and community based behavioral services for adults, children, and families. We treat a variety of issues including Addictions, Mental Health, Childhood Disorders, and Psychiatric Conditions. We offer a variety of treatment interventions to meet the personal needs of each client. Comprehensive Assessments Individual Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Skills Training Psychiatric Interviews Medication Management Case Management School Based Services Insurance Navigation Services Addiction Services Abstinence based treatment programming Matrix Model treatment interventions Outpatient programming only Referrals to Stepping Stone for Residential Services Tobacco Recovery services Child & Family Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with families Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, & Nurtured Hearts Parenting education that coincides with therapy interventions Referrals available for more intensive services such as High-Fidelity WRAP, Parent Child Interactive Therapy, and Residential services School Based services for elementary and middle school students Adult Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & EMDR Therapy Community Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients and families Available for children, adults, and families Recovery based treatment models Use of Evidence Based interventions including Nurtured Hearts, Illness Management & Recovery, & Wellness Recovery Action Plans.
你第一次来这里? 欢迎! 预约 期待什么 常见问题 不知道第一次访问会发生什么是正常的。我们的目标是帮助您轻松了解使您的第一次和每次访问对您最有利的条件。很高兴您选择了我们,现在让我们开始吧。 您会发现这里最大的不同是您的第一次约会将是评估。这是探索当前正在发生的事情以及您可以使用哪些服务的时间。以下主题是我们经常被问到的问题,可能会对您有所帮助。 预约 您有兴趣成为新患者吗?请填写以下信息,会有专人与您联系。 此页面不适用于紧急预约。如需更改或取消预约,请致电(812) 423-7791 . 预约 Schedule anappoinment Name Appointment Location Who are you requesting an appointment for? Date of Birth of Potential Client Child's Name Child's Age I attest that I am the legal guardian of this child Best number to reach you Email Preferred time to call back (p.m. return calls will be made before 4:00 p.m.) Submit What to expect 期待什么 所有寻求治疗服务的个人都将接受对其需求和西南航空满足这些需求的能力的初步评估。入学评估的目标包括:筛查任何严重的、危及生命的问题;确定治疗需求和所需护理水平;评估可能影响进一步评估/治疗的损伤;获得足够的信息来制定初步诊断、治疗计划和治疗目标。 录取过程包括填写个人信息表、与我们熟练的临床工作人员进行简短访谈、完成心理健康扫描和功能评估。 常问问题 FAQS 你接受我的保险吗? 我们愿意与任何人合作,但我们确实有一份与我们合作的保险提供商的名单。请点击此处查看我们的保险提供商。 你有心理医生吗? 是的,我们确实有精神科医生。但是,我们是以治疗为基础的,因此您会看到的第一个临床医生将是治疗师,如果他们确定您需要看精神科医生,他们会在那时转介您。 您在哪里,您服务于哪些地区? 我们可以为范德堡、波西、吉布森和沃里克县的居民提供服务。很遗憾,我们不接受这些县以外的居民或肯塔基州居民。 如何获得我的医疗记录副本? 您可以致电 (812) 436-4222 联系我们的健康信息管理 (HIM) 部门,或访问 415 Mulberry Street, Evansville , IN 47713 你们提供夫妻治疗或婚姻咨询吗? 我们仅向通过我们的员工援助计划 (EAP) 推荐的人提供夫妻治疗。请与您的雇主核实他们是否通过 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare 注册了 EAP。 如果我没有保险怎么办? 我们可以与没有保险或保险不足的人合作。我们根据您的收入和受抚养人的数量采用浮动收费标准。如果您没有健康保险,我们将帮助您申请保险。 什么是常见问题解答部分? 常见问题解答部分可用于快速回答有关您或您的业务的常见问题,例如“您的送货地址是哪里?”、“您的营业时间是几点?”或“我如何预订服务?” 这是帮助人们浏览您的网站的好方法,甚至可以提升您网站的 SEO。 FAQs
- Groups | SBH
组 儿童、青少年和育儿团体 团体治疗已被证明是儿童和青少年最有效的治疗方式之一。 我们提供各种小组,旨在满足每个孩子及其父母/照顾者的特定临床需求。 Groups 包括针对不同年龄段的社交技能小组、针对焦虑和抑郁的小组、针对青少年的正念小组、愤怒管理小组以及专注于特定应对技巧的各种小组。 育儿小组也可以帮助父母和看护人学习如何最好地帮助他们的孩子进行治疗。 我们提供的一些团体包括: 焦虑管理 辩证行为疗法 (DBT) 青年悲伤和复原力小组 情绪调节 青少年愤怒管理 青年社交技能 青少年 LGBTQ 养育子女 父母信仰小组 团体因地点而异,因此请致电您当地的办公室以了解您所在地区的可用服务。
- County Services | SBH
县服务 吉布森县 波西县 瓦里克县 Gibson Gibson County Gibson County Regional Services offers outpatient and community based behavioral services for adults, children, and families. We treat a variety of issues including Addictions, Mental Health, Childhood Disorders, and Psychiatric Conditions. We offer a variety of treatment interventions to meet the personal needs of each client. Comprehensive Assessments Individual Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Skills Training Psychiatric Interviews Medication Management Case Management Insurance Navigation Services Addiction Services Abstinence based treatment programming Matrix Model treatment interventions Outpatient programming only Referrals to Stepping Stone for Residential Services Tobacco Recovery services Child & Family Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with families Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, & Nurtured Hearts Parenting education that coincides with therapy interventions Referrals available for more intensive services such as High-Fidelity WRAP, Parent Child Interactive Therapy, and Residential services. Adult Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, & EMDR Therapy Community Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients and families Available for children, adults, and families Recovery based treatment models Use of Evidence Based interventions including Nurtured Hearts, Illness Management & Recovery, & Wellness Recovery Action Plans. Posey Posey County Posey County Regional Services offers outpatient and community based behavioral services for adults, children, and families. We treat a variety of issues including Addictions, Mental Health, Childhood Disorders, and Psychiatric Conditions. We offer a variety of treatment interventions to meet the personal needs of each client. Comprehensive Assessments Individual Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Skills Training Psychiatric Interviews Medication Management Case Management Integrated Healthcare Insurance Navigation Services Addiction Services Abstinence based treatment programming Matrix Model treatment interventions Outpatient programming only Referrals to Stepping Stone for Residential Services Tobacco Recovery services Adult Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & EMDR Therapy Integrated healthcare assessments during the initial comprehensive assessment Ongoing support for healthcare concerns Child & Family Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with families Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, & Nurtured Hearts Parenting education that coincides with therapy interventions Referrals available for more intensive services such as High-Fidelity WRAP, Parent Child Interactive Therapy, and Residential services Community Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients and families Available for children, adults, and families Recovery based treatment models Use of Evidence Based interventions including Nurtured Hearts, Illness Management & Recovery, & Wellness Recovery Action Plans. Warrick Warrick County Warrick County Regional Services offers outpatient and community based behavioral services for adults, children, and families. We treat a variety of issues including Addictions, Mental Health, Childhood Disorders, and Psychiatric Conditions. We offer a variety of treatment interventions to meet the personal needs of each client. Comprehensive Assessments Individual Therapy Group Therapy Family Therapy Skills Training Psychiatric Interviews Medication Management Case Management School Based Services Insurance Navigation Services Addiction Services Abstinence based treatment programming Matrix Model treatment interventions Outpatient programming only Referrals to Stepping Stone for Residential Services Tobacco Recovery services Child & Family Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with families Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Focused – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, & Nurtured Hearts Parenting education that coincides with therapy interventions Referrals available for more intensive services such as High-Fidelity WRAP, Parent Child Interactive Therapy, and Residential services School Based services for elementary and middle school students Adult Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients Use of Evidence Based Therapy interventions including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & EMDR Therapy Community Services Collaborative treatment-based approach with clients and families Available for children, adults, and families Recovery based treatment models Use of Evidence Based interventions including Nurtured Hearts, Illness Management & Recovery, & Wellness Recovery Action Plans.
- Emergency Services | SBH
紧急服务 24小时紧急 (812) 423-7791 西南航空为有心理健康和/或药物滥用问题的各个年龄段的人提供 24 小时紧急评估、危机干预和咨询服务。 接受危机服务的个人存在广泛的精神和生活环境困难。西南航空的紧急服务待命团队成员干预精神科紧急情况,以确保所有相关人员的安全,协助个人开发自己的资源以应对紧急情况,或提供任何认为必要的护理水平。待命的工作人员还将在适当的情况下安排个人接受持续治疗。 我们在吉布森、波西、范德堡和沃里克县的七个门诊办公室中的任何一个都提供紧急服务。在正常工作时间(包括周末)之后,可通过电话获得服务。 危机服务热线 (812) 422-1100 如果您或您认识的人正在经历精神危机或正在考虑自杀,可以寻求帮助。我们全天 24 小时在这里为您提供帮助。没有电话太多或太少,我们无法接听。当最需要帮助时,心理健康专业人员可以提供帮助。请拨打电话,让我们有机会在这个困难时期为您提供帮助。我们关心。我们在这里为您服务。 导航 Home Contact Us About Careers Diversity & Inclusion Events Website Satisfaction Survey EAP 联系我们 资源 Crisis Services Notice of Privacy Practices Client Satisfaction Survey Links to Resources 附属公司 联系信息 415 Mulberry St., Evansville, IN 47713 (812) 423-7791 - 24 Hour Emergency Hotline (812) 422-1100 - Crisis Line 联合委员会认可
职业生涯 工作机会 我们的文化 里面看 我们的职业 学生安置 员工 资源 Career Opportunities 搜索职位空缺 工作机会 感谢您对西南行为医疗保健的兴趣。我们同时提供 全职和兼职职位以及有竞争力的薪水和全面的福利待遇。 在西南航空,我们致力于为我们的社区服务并成为您的首选雇主。我们正在寻找有才华、充满激情的人,他们想要一个平衡、健康和有趣的工作场所。我们提供全方位的特殊福利,旨在为您和您的家人提供支持。 好处包括: 带薪休假 两项医疗保健计划* 想象* 牙科* 人寿保险* 身份盗窃保险* 重大疾病保险* 事故保险* 健康计划 许多其他好处 *所有员工有偿福利计划从您入职的第一天开始 我们希望您会发现我们与您的职业前景相匹配,并且您会看到#ourstaffsaysitbest。 要查看当前的西南行为医疗保健职业机会,请单击本页顶部的立即申请按钮。申请前想看看内部情况? 点击这里 听取我们员工的意见并详细了解我们最常见的职业机会。 我们的文化 在 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.,我们关心员工的福祉和成功。我们重视诚信、尊重、同情和问责制。我们相信,员工满意度始于营造一个支持性、多元化和包容性的环境,让所有员工都感到受到欢迎、接受和参与。我们努力鼓励、支持和庆祝我们的多样性。 我们每天都在努力提升我们的员工、我们的服务和社区伙伴关系。当我们利用我们的差异、资源和才能一起工作时,我们会让 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. 成为我们的员工、客户和社区的更好场所。 Culture 员工发展 Why and How 多元化和包容性 在西南航空,我们为员工提供在其领域内成长和发展的工具和机会。除了提供大量培训以获得免费的 CEUS 外,还鼓励员工寻找并参加培训,使他们能够专注于自己感兴趣的领域。我们为技能、认证和继续教育时间提供数百小时的公司付费专业培训。西南航空还在持牌临床社会工作者的指导下为所有需要监督时间的硕士级员工提供临床监督。 Defining our WHY is crucial to not only our employees but those we serve. Our core values are led by our mission, Improving Lives Together. It is not a motto or tagline, rather the driving force in all that we do, improving the lives of those that we serve, our community as a whole, as well as improving the lives of those within the Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare family. Our HOW - Community, Excellence, and Integrit y encompass the core beliefs of our treatment delivery model and values we want our employees to uphold during their career with us. 作为心理健康提供者,我们重视对我们服务的员工和客户的尊重、安全和公平待遇。我们的个人身份共同有助于塑造一个包容的环境,并将我们作为一家公司团结起来。每一天,我们都努力创造一个多元化、公平和引人入胜的环境,让每个人都感到受欢迎和相互联系。 学到更多 LEARN MORE 学到更多 Inside look Studen placement 学生安置 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare 致力于为心理健康相关领域的学生提供学习和培训机会。西南大学为正在就读认可学校的学生提供学生实习机会,并提供与西南大学实习相关的教育计划。 通常情况下,学生实习将至少持续数周(通常是一整个学期或更长时间),并且将涉及对患者的干预。学生由工作人员和管理人员监督。学生在安置期间和结束时接受评估。如果在实习期间的任何时候,Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare 认为学生的表现不专业或以某种方式可能对患者有害,则学生将被暂时停学并可能被终止实习。 希望将学生安排在西南大学的学生和/或大学代表必须通过 联系西南大学的人力资源部。学生安置机会取决于安置请求的适当性、足够的监督资源的可用性以及学生是否合格。 执业护士住院医师计划 现在接受居民申请! 住院医师计划是一项为期一年的强化、全职、带薪培训计划,面向最近(18 个月内)毕业并获得认证的高级实践注册护士。 专为专业领域的护士从业者开发家庭护士从业者 (FNP) 和精神科心理健康护士 (PMHNP) 致力于在农村和服务欠缺地区的社区卫生中心的挑战性环境中发展职业。 针对大量/高复杂性问题的培训、专业轮换和正式的教学培训。 申请在我们的网站上: USI.EDU/ANE-NPR Employee resources 员工资源
- Famous Successes | SBH
著名的成功 赫歇尔·沃克 NFL 球员赫歇尔·沃克(Herschel Walker)多年来一直在处理分离性身份障碍,但寻求和继续治疗帮助他控制住了它。 凯瑟琳泽塔-琼斯 双相情感障碍对凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯来说是一场持续的斗争,但她一直在努力不让它控制她的生活。在药物的帮助下和在精神卫生机构度过的时间,她已经做到了。 豪伊·曼德尔 与强迫症打交道是豪伊·曼德尔一个人无法再做的事情。他直到成年后才得到帮助,他说他希望自己能早点得到帮助。
- Services Offered | SBH
提供的服务 基于监狱的能力计划 Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare 在印第安纳州启动了第一个基于监狱的能力恢复 (JBCR) 计划。 JBCR 是范德堡县监狱试点的一项举措,包括西南行为医疗保健、范德堡县法院和监狱、埃文斯维尔州立医院以及印第安纳州心理健康和成瘾部之间的合作。 JBCR 让西南航空的工作人员有机会为监狱中被确定为在心理上无法(“无能”)参与自己辩护的个人提供直接服务。 过去,这些人将留在监狱中,不接受治疗,等待转移到将开始治疗的州立精神病院。 通过 JBCR 计划,在监狱环境中开始治疗,目的是人的能力将在需要去州立医院之前得到恢复。 服务包括临床评估化、药物管理的精神病学评估和法律教育培训。 自信的社区治疗(ACT) 积极社区治疗 (ACT) 服务旨在为患有严重和持续性精神疾病的人提供尽可能高水平的社区支持。以证据为基础的治疗模式,ACT 团队强调不仅仅解决心理健康问题的重要性;我们通过协调我们机构内的专业人员和社区专家的全面综合护理来治疗整个人。 我们相信保持较小的案件量,这样我们的客户才能得到他们需要和应得的关注。我们的团队提供密集的家庭和社区护理,以满足每个客户的特定需求和独特的斗争,我们使我们的客户能够按照他们的条件实现康复。我们相信以人为本的治疗,并且客户是他们自己的生活和需求的专家。 在 ACT 团队中,我们相信客户在感觉良好、安全以及能够满足基本需求而不必担心寒冷或饥饿时最能实现他们的目标,因此我们教客户如何制作使用他们有资格获得的各种社区支持和权利计划,如何识别和利用他们现有的优势,以及如何绕过阻碍他们前进的障碍。我们为那些面临重大法律、财务或社会成功障碍的人提供支持。 ACT 服务本质上是康复性的,那些从我们的服务毕业的人通常要么过渡到不太密集的护理水平,要么在某些情况下选择完全退出我们的服务,以支持他们在社区中独立地保持进步,他们的初级保健处方者和家人的支持。但是,如果客户继续满足我们的需求水平,并且我们的服务被认为是维持社区稳定不可或缺的一部分,则可以长期提供 ACT 服务。 基于社区的治疗 关于我们的自信社区治疗计划的信息即将推出! 有监督的集体生活 我们的受监督集体生活住宅计划旨在为患有严重和持续性精神疾病的个人提供一个环境,让他们可以发展在社区中独立生活所需的技能。 目前埃文斯维尔有两个集体住宅(密歇根州和布埃纳维斯塔)。每个家庭可容纳 10 名居民,每周 7 天、每天 24 小时都有工作人员。所有房屋均由 10 间卧室、两个全浴室和半浴室、洗衣房、起居室、厨房/用餐区以及员工办公室和浴室组成。 要获得我们的住宿计划的资格,一个人必须至少年满 18 岁,拥有或有资格获得 Medicaid,并且有多种技能培训需求。必须能够在工作人员的不干涉指导下独立解决他们的卫生和医疗需求。 一旦到了那里,所有集体住宅居民都有资格获得多项服务:个人/集体技能培训、病例管理、精神病学面谈/药物审查、药物培训和支持以及康复技能助理以协助技能每天训练。康复技能助理帮助居民在社区中变得更加独立,并为他们的独立社区生活做好准备。 该计划没有时间限制,只要有需要,居民就可以留在团体之家。鼓励家人和朋友参观并保持联系。外部支持对于恢复过程至关重要。在那里,居民有望在他们的治疗中发挥积极作用。 Outpatient/Community-Based Service Recovery. Per Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, to recover is “to save from loss and restore to usefulness”. Staff in Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare's Community Support Services assists individuals in doing this every day. From helping someone develop the skills to better understand and manage their symptoms, to achieving a higher level of integration and independence in their community, staff actively engage individuals so they may regain a sense of self and self-worth. The debilitating effects of a severe mental illness can be significant and comprehensive, even when positive symptoms are well managed. Everyday tasks that many take for granted can be overwhelming or seem insurmountable. And, caring for one’s own spiritual, recreational, social, and leisure needs is often not even an afterthought. Using Illness Management and Recovery techniques, along with Motivational Interviewing, CSS staff work with individuals to assist them in developing the skills they can use to leverage their strengths to lessen the impact of barriers and challenges they encounter. A person-centered approach is utilized to encourage collaboration with those with whom we work to develop and achieve small objectives of their choosing to allow them to accomplish a larger, overall goal. Change can be difficult, especially when immediate results are not obvious. For this reason, staff model, teach, coach, and reinforce the actions that will support a person in their own journey to recovery. When needed, Case Management Services are available to provide ongoing assessment of needs and strengths, treatment planning, advocacy, and linkage/referral to other providers and resources that support the persons recovery.